Display Interface/Infrastructure

Standup Records


New Interface PercentageDisplay

There is a new interface, PercentageDisplay, defined in percentage-display.h

class PercentageDisplay
    virtual ~PercentageDisplay() = default;
    virtual void show_percentage(double) = 0;

Existing Implementations

We have two implementations that show temperatures; put those under this interface.

Composite Display

Implement a Composite display.

Testing: Breadboard Acrobatics, Demo Program

Wire onto the breadboard

Write one test program demo/display-demo) that

  • instantiates both classes

  • Store pointers to both objects in a std::vector<PercentageDisplay*>

  • Enter a loop that changes the percentage shown on each periodically

    That program is already there, in src_demos/main.cpp, together with much of the Display stuff. Clean it up.


cluster_fh2021 WS2023/24: Group Project - Tasks fh2021_display_infrastructure Display Interface/Infrastructure fh2021_switch_interface (DONE) Switch Interface fh2021_display_infrastructure->fh2021_switch_interface fh2021_pwm_display Temperature Display: LED Via A PWM Controller fh2021_display_infrastructure->fh2021_pwm_display