(DONE) Boiling Pot (The Beginning)

Standup Records



  • Should be complete, no?


Write a program bin/boiling-pot.cpp that implements a boiling pot. Usage should be somewhat like so:

Onewire Sensor at address 02131d959eaa, using GPIO number 20 to switch heating on/off
$ bin/boiling-pot /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-02131d959eaa/temperature 20
HWMON Onewire Sensor no. 2, using GPIO number 20 to switch heating on/off
$ bin/boiling-pot /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon2/temp1_input 20
A manually written file (for testing), using GPIO number 20 to switch heating on/off
$ bin/boiling-pot ~/manually-written-file 20



This task has a dependency on :doc:switch-interface! (A boiling pot wants to use a real switch, not only a mocking one.)

Before you implement a switch interface (and derive mocking and real switches from it), talk to the guys from SysFS GPIO Switch. Or else it may happen that both groups do duplicate work which results in Git conflicts!

  • Write a class BoilingPot that is used in the program. That class will likely use a Hysteresis internally to implement the control logic. (That class - Hysteresis - takes a Sensor and a Switch object.)

  • class BoilingPot has a “temperature wheel” (a control knob) that steers that desired temperature of the pot.

  • Lets hardcode the hysteresis low/high range for the time being. This control can be added later once we need it.


Write unit tests to cover the all functionality

Future (Not Part Of This Development Cycle)

  • Temperature display ⟶ later (we have LEDStripeDisplay, but that is-not-a Display)

  • Modifiable low/high hysteresis settings

  • Error reporting (“unreasonable sensor value”?)

  • Status reporting (“switch on”, “switch off”, for example)


cluster_fh2021 WS2023/24: Group Project - Tasks fh2021_sensor_interface (DONE) Sensor Interface fh2021_switch_interface (DONE) Switch Interface fh2021_boiling_pot (DONE) Boiling Pot (The Beginning) fh2021_boiling_pot->fh2021_sensor_interface fh2021_boiling_pot->fh2021_switch_interface fh2021_sysfs_gpio_switch SysFS GPIO Switch fh2021_sysfs_gpio_switch->fh2021_switch_interface