Language Basics

Single Line Comments

  • Like in C++ (well, approximately 🤨)

  • Single-line comments

# message("hello")
message("hello")     # comment

Multiline Comments (“Bracketed Comments”)

  • Start with a hash (“#”), two opening square brackets (“[“), interleaved with any number of equal signs (“=”)

  • Closed with the same pattern, only with closing square brackets (“]”)

message("this message is commented out")
  • Nesting of comments possible by varying the number of equal signs

message("this message is commented out")

message("this message is commented out too")

  • Trick: turning multiline nested comments into live code - comment out the comment

##[[         # <--- this is now a single-line comment
message("this message is not commented out anymore")

message("this message is still commented out")

#]]         # <--- this is now a single-line comment (it lacks its opening counterpart)

Command Execution

  • Command names are case insensitive (arguments are just strings, so sensitivity depends upon what the command wants from them)

  • Arguments are separated by whitespaces

  • Example: command message invoked with two arguments

message("hello" world)
MESSAGE("hello" world)   # same
Message("hello" world)   # same



Commands: String Evaluation, And Quoting

  • When are aruments quoted?

  • ⟶ when you want evaluation

  • ⟶ interpolation of variables into them

Different argument type

  • Bracketed arguments

  • Quoted arguments

  • Unquoted arguments

Commands: Bracketed Arguments

  • Passing multiline strings into commands

  • Much like multiline comments

  • Of limited use - pre-formatted text blocks, at most

message([[this is line 1
this is line 2]]

# same -->
message([==[this is line 1
this is line 2]==])
  • No string interpolation occurs

bracket-no-evaluate.cmake <code/commands/bracket-no-evaluate.cmake>
set(some_variable "value")

message([[the variable
${some_variable} is not interpolated]])
$ cmake -P bracket-no-evaluate.cmake
the variable
${some_variable} is not interpolated

Commands: Quoted Arguments

  • C-like escape chararcters

    message("*** A Clike linefeed (\\n): >>>\n    separate line\n<<<")
    message("*** A C-like double-quote escape: \"")
    $ cmake -P quoted-c-escapes.cmake
    *** A Clike linefeed (\n): >>>
        separate line
    *** A C-like double-quote escape: "
  • Multiline strings

    message("This is a multiline string
    Second line")
    $ cmake -P multiline-strings.cmake
    This is a multiline string
    Second line
  • Variable expansion

    set(some_variable "value")
    message("Here is the content of \"some_variable\": >>>${some_variable}<<<")
    $ cmake -P variable-expansion.cmake
    Here is the content of "some_variable": >>>value<<<

Commands: Unquoted Arguments


Always Quote Arguments

  • Unquoted arguments, if used correctly, can save a few keystrokes

  • It’s just hard to use unquoted arguments correctly

  • Try to always quote your arguments!

  • Correct usage example

    set(some_variable "some value")
    message("${some_variable}")     # <--- MUCH preferred
    $ cmake -P unquoted-arguments-correct.cmake
    some value
    some value
  • List confusion

    Lists are strings that are separated by ; ⟶ what if a string contains ;?

    set(some_variable "undesired;hello;world")
    message("${some_variable}")     # <--- MUCH preferred
    $ cmake -P unquoted-arguments-list.cmake