Screenplay: Making SQLite3 Optional (target_compile_definitions())

What If We Know How to Live Without SQLite3?

  • toolcase/data-logger has sink-sqlite3.h and sink-sqlite3.cpp only conditionally

  • SQLite3_FOUND (see FindSQLite3)

Optionally Not Depending On SQLite3

  • Toplevel: make SQLite3 not required

  • toolcase/data-logger/ depends on SQLite3 (SQLite::SQLite3)

  • Library contains sink-sqlite3.h and sink-sqlite3.cpp, depending on SQLite3_FOUND

    if (SQLite3_FOUND)
      set(inc_sink_sqlite3 sink-sqlite3.h)
      set(src_sink_sqlite3 sink-sqlite3.cpp)

    … and substitute accordingly

  • Library depends on SQLite::SQLite3

    if (SQLite3_FOUND)
      target_link_libraries(data-logger SQLite::SQLite3)
  • Library propagates dependency information to its users (see below); INTERFACE because it does not need that information itself

    if (SQLite3_FOUND)
      target_compile_definitions(data-logger INTERFACE HAVE_SQLITE3=1)

Optionally Not Depending On Someone Who Depends On SQLite3

  • firmware/data-logger.cpp (node app-data-logger) uses/includes <sink-sqlite3.h>

  • In that node - app-data-logger - it would be nice to have a macro HAVE_SQLITE3 available

  • Litter #ifdef all across your code

    #ifdef HAVE_SQLITE3
    #  include <sink-sqlite3.h>
    #  include <sink-terminal.h>
  • It is a massacre, inevitably!