Screenplay: Generated Code (add_custom_command())

What We Want

Imagine …

  • In the Linux variant, sensor configurations are read from .ini style config file

  • Deeply embedded cannot do this because there is no filesystem

Solution …

  • Can we generate code from these config files?

  • ⟶ link-time polymorphism

Handwritten Prototype: What A Code Generator Could Do For Us

  • Lets say, sensor config files have the format

    Type = Const
    Value = -273.15
    # ... more ...
  • In a dedicated .cpp file, we mirror that same information (this is what we will generate)

    #include "conf-sensors.h"       // <--- THE config's extern declaration
    #include <sensor-const.h>
    SensorConfig conf_sensors;      // <--- THE config's definition
    namespace {
        struct conf_sensors_init
                conf_sensors.add_sensor("bottom-right", std::make_unique<ConstantSensor>(-273.15));
               // ... more ...
        conf_sensors_init init;
  • Main program uses conf_sensors from the extern declaration

    #include "conf-sensors.h"         // <--- conf_sensors'  extern declaration
    DataLogger logger(conf_sensors,   // <--- conf_sensors' usage

One Deeply Embedded Application (2024-06-20-manual.cpp)

  • data-logger-deeply-embedded.cpp uses conf_sensors

  • ⟶ defined in 2024-06-20-manual.cpp

  • … or any other file …

  • ⟶ link-time decision

  • Build instructions for the 2024-06-20-manual.cpp constellation

      2024-06-20-manual.cpp                      # <--- polymorphic
    target_link_libraries(app-data-logger-deeply-embedded-2024-06-20-manual base data-logger)
    install(TARGETS app-data-logger-deeply-embedded-2024-06-20-manual DESTINATION bin)

Another Deeply Embedded Application (Generated From 2024-06-20.conf)

  • Generator demo

    $ pwd
    $ ./ 2024-06-20.conf /tmp/demo.cpp
    $ cat /tmp/demo.cpp
  • Build instructions: link with a not-yet-existig file, 2024-06-20.cpp (from the build tree)

      ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/2024-06-20.cpp    # <--- to be generated
    target_link_libraries(app-data-logger-deeply-embedded-2024-06-20 base data-logger)
    install(TARGETS app-data-logger-deeply-embedded-2024-06-20 DESTINATION bin)
  • Code generation: add_custom_command()

      OUTPUT ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/2024-06-20.cpp    # <--- same as in add_executable()

    Discuss DEPENDS

  • Generated config includes conf-sensors.h from source directory ⟶ PRIVATE “include” property

    target_include_directories(app-data-logger-deeply-embedded-2024-06-20 PRIVATE .)

Et Voila!