Linux, And Programming


Linux has a set of strong concepts inherited from its UNIX roots, and understanding these concepts is very helpful to everybody who writes applications or otherwise gets in touch with software written for Linux.

This series of courses covers these concepts from multiple viewpoints.

  • Linux Basics: A Gentle Introduction. An introduction to Linux on the commandline. As such, this course is not only for programmers (no program is written), but for everyone who wants to know more - e.g. testers, support personnel, …

  • Linux Systems Programming (Course Series). All that is learned in Linux Basics: A Gentle Introduction can be programmed - process creation, file IO, networking, and more. This series of courses covers exactly that: The Linux API.

  • Linux Kernel Driver Development. The Linux Kernel implements the APIs that we use in Linux Systems Programming (Course Series). This course introduces you to a completely different world - the one that implements the world that we live in.

  • Embedded Linux Programming. This course series provides an overview of how Linux makes it possible to operate with hardware - sensors, controllers, and the like. Also an emphasis is put on solutions for typical problems that resource constrained systems bring - realtime and memory management.

  • Shell Scripting/Bourne Again Shell (Bash). The shell that we use as a vehicle throughout these courses is also complete programming language. A little arcane though but also very interesting in that is reflects the UNIX concepts in every single corner. This course sheds light on how shell programming is done.