First, install an MQTT broker of your choice. My choice is Eclipse Mosquitto. On Fedora, you install that package like so …
# dnf install mosquitto
Then, to communicate with that broker from Python programs, you install a Python client implementation of your choice. My choice is the Paho implementation, which is installed like so …
$ pip install paho-mqtt
Starting the Service¶
This is Fedorish, your mileage might vary:
# systemctl start mosquitto.service
# netstat -antp|grep mosquitto
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 53767/mosquitto
tcp6 0 0 :::1883 :::* LISTEN 53767/mosquitto
Ah, runs on port 1883.
See if it works. In one terminal, subscribe to a random topic. (Topic are created as soon as they are mentioned.)
$ mosquitto_sub --host localhost --port 1883 --topic /random/topic
...sit and wait for message...
In another terminal, publish a message,
$ mosquitto_pub --host localhost --port 1883 --topic /random/topic --message blah
You should see “blah” as the output of mosquitto_sub
in the other
Publishing a Message in Python¶
This is the easiest, so lets start with that.
#!/usr/bin/env python
from paho.mqtt import client
c = client.Client()
c.connect('localhost', 1883)
c.publish('/random/topic', 'blech')
Run it, and in the terminal running mosquitto_sub
you’ll see
on stdout
Subscribing a Topic in Python¶
A little more complicated - we have to
run an event loop: we want to see more than one message coming in
register a callback function that is called by MQTT to notify us about an incoming message
#!/usr/bin/env python
from paho.mqtt import client
def message_received(client, userdata, message):
c = client.Client()
c.connect('localhost', 1883)
c.on_message = message_received
Run it, possibly side by side with mosquitto_sub
. Publish a
message, using either the
program above, or
$ ./
Message Payload?¶
Note the b
in the output: what comes in is not a string. MQTT’s
transport is encoding-free; what is sent is completely up to the
communicating parties.
You should probably read up on
Nice video about MQTT concepts, and a little Python code (German)
Same, but with Node-RED (Styrian)
Communicating from Arduino/ESP to Raspberry (German)
Encryption, Users, from minute 11:30 (German)