Building A Toolchain On Fedora For Ubuntu 18.04 (WSL)

Install And Run Docker

# dnf -y install dnf-plugins-core
# dnf config-manager --add-repo
# dnf install docker-ce docker-ce-cli docker-compose-plugin
# systemctl start docker
# docker enable hello-world
# docker run hello-world

Create Ubuntu Images (18.04 and 20.04)

# docker search ubuntu
NAME                             DESCRIPTION                                     STARS     OFFICIAL   AUTOMATED
ubuntu                           Ubuntu is a Debian-based Linux operating sys…   15244     [OK]

Dockerhub: available tags for ubuntu image:, 20.04.

# docker create ubuntu:18.04
# docker create ubuntu:20.04

Create Docker Volume

# docker volume create raspi-toolchains

Container Work

Command To Run Container On Volumes

  • Containers are run as root

  • The command to run a shell inside a container, we’ll use the following command to run a shell in it

    # docker run \
          --interactive --tty \
          --name raspi-toolchain-ubuntu-18.04 \
          --mount source=raspi-toolchains,target=/var/raspi-toolchains \
          ubuntu:18.04 \
  • Alias it, possibly making it into a script sometime

    # alias sh_18_04=\
          docker run \
              --interactive --tty \
              --name raspi-toolchain-ubuntu-18.04 \
              --mount source=raspi-toolchains,target=/var/raspi-toolchains \
              ubuntu:18.04 \

Setup container

# sh_18_04
  • Update

    # apt update
    # apt install -y gcc g++ gperf bison flex texinfo help2man make libncurses5-dev \
          python3-dev autoconf automake libtool libtool-bin gawk wget bzip2 xz-utils unzip \
          patch libstdc++6 rsync git meson ninja-build
  • Create build user, and su into it

    # useradd --home-dir /home/jfasch --create-home --shell /bin/bash build
    # chown -R build:build /var/raspi-toolchains
    # su - build

We will work as user build from now on.

Install autoconf 2.71

crosstool-ng wants >= 2.71, so we have to install that manually.

$ mkdir /var/raspi-toolchains/18.04
$ cd /var/raspi-toolchains/18.04
$ wget
$ tar xf autoconf-2.71.tar.xz
$ cd autoconf-2.71
$ ./configure --prefix=/var/raspi-toolchains/18.04/autoconf-2.71-install
$ make
$ make install

Point $PATH to it

$ export PATH=/var/raspi-toolchains/18.04/autoconf-2.71-install/bin:$PATH

Install crosstool-ng

Best to install from their Git repo. (I had zlib version issues/Fedora with the release version that were solve in Git.)

$ git clone
$ cd crosstool-ng/
$ ./bootstrap
$ ./configure --prefix=/var/raspi-toolchains/18.04/crosstool-ng-install
$ make
$ make install

Point $PATH to it

$ export PATH=/var/raspi-toolchains/18.04/crosstool-ng-install/bin:$PATH

Build Toolchain

crosstool-ng Toolchain Build

Continue with Building A Cross Toolchain For The Raspberry Pi, Using crosstool-ng

$ mkdir toolchain-build
$ cd toolchain-build/
$ ct-ng armv8-rpi4-linux-gnueabihf
$ ct-ng menuconfig
... select glibc version 2.28 ...
$ ct-ng build

Builds into $HOME/x-tools by default

$ ls ~/x-tools

Create Toolchain Archive

  • Tar from ~/x-tools

  • Into /var/raspi-toolchains/18.04/armv8-rpi4-linux-gnueabihf.tar.xz

$ tar --create --xz \
      --file /var/raspi-toolchains/18.04/armv8-rpi4-linux-gnueabihf.tar.xz \
      --directory ~/x-tools \

Install Toolchain On Host

  • Docker volume’s /var/raspi-toolchains/18.04 is in /var/lib/docker/volumes/raspi-toolchains/_data/18.04

# ls -l /var/lib/docker/volumes/raspi-toolchains/_data/18.04
-rw-rw-r--. 1 jfasch jfasch 78683068 Nov 21 13:02 armv8-rpi4-linux-gnueabihf.tar.xz
drwxr-xr-x. 1 jfasch jfasch      596 Nov 21 10:04 autoconf-2.71
drwxrwxr-x. 1 jfasch jfasch       16 Nov 21 10:04 autoconf-2-71-install
-rw-rw-r--. 1 jfasch jfasch  1292296 Jan 28  2021 autoconf-2.71.tar.xz
drwxrwxr-x. 1 jfasch jfasch      686 Nov 21 10:12 crosstool-ng
drwxrwxr-x. 1 jfasch jfasch       30 Nov 21 10:13 crosstool-ng-install
drwxrwxr-x. 1 jfasch jfasch       80 Nov 21 10:16 toolchain-build


(Inside the container user build has UID 1000. This is why we see jfasch on the host which has UID 1000 there. I’ll continue as root to cover the general case.)

  • Copy archive over, as root

    $ sudo cp /var/lib/docker/volumes/raspi-toolchains/_data/18.04/armv8-rpi4-linux-gnueabihf.tar.xz ~
    $ sudo chown jfasch:jfasch ~/armv8-rpi4-linux-gnueabihf.tar.xz
  • Unpack, as jfasch, into, e.g. ~/Programs

    $ tar --extract --xz \
    --file ~/armv8-rpi4-linux-gnueabihf.tar.xz \
    --directory ~/Programs
  • Point $PATH into it (best done into ~/.bashrc)

    export PATH=$HOME/Programs/armv8-rpi4-linux-gnueabihf/bin:$PATH