Coding: First Functionality (Slideshow)


jjj add “architecture” drawing

Implement Event List

Right inside the main driver file (refactoring later), define and implement the following artifacts

  • struct my_event

    • Subject to be linked into a list

    • Only payload is an enum my_event_type, indicating the event source. We will implement a ioctl request that adds an event to the list, so the only enumerator in the enum will be something like MY_EVENT_IOCTL.

    • Will extend to contain a timestamp (jiffies) once we get to it.

  • struct my_event_list

    • Members

      • A struct list_head instance: the real list

      • num_events: counts how many events the list contains

    • Methods

      • void my_event_list_init(struct my_event_list* self). The “constructor”; initializes self.

      • void my_event_list_destroy(struct my_event_list* self). The “destructor”; deallocates all events contained in self.

      • void my_event_list_add(struct my_event_list* self, enum my_event_type type). Allocates one event on the heap, initializes it with the given type, and appends it to the list. Once the list exceeds a (hardwired?) maximum event count, the first element in the list is removed.

Implement ioctl Request to Add an Event

  • Start defining an enum, like so:

    enum my_ioctl_requests
  • In the ioctl() driver method, use the above add() method to implement said request.

Implement a Userspace Test Program

  • Write a user space program to exercise that request.

  • Makes sense to add a number of printk() statements to the kernel to see what is going on.