Exercise: Arithmetic Expression Interpreter


Create an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST), like compilers do (albeit much more sophisticated), to represent and evaluate expressions.



Object structure




Arithmetic expression tree



Expression Interface

For simplicity, all expressions evaluate to integer types.



In programming languages, a literal is a value that is written as-is, such as


In itself, a literal does not make much sense. It is used in combinatin with operators to form larger expressions, such as 42 + 5. A literal is an expression, though, because it evaluates to a value.

#include <gtest/gtest.h>

#include <expression.h>

TEST(interpreter_suite, literal)
    Literal le(42);
    Expression* e = &le;            // <--- Literal *is-a* Expression
    ASSERT_EQ(e->evaluate(), 42);   // <--- ... and is evaluated as such

Arithmetic (Binary) Expressions

Check: Combined Arithmetic Expressions

Literal, and all of the arithemetic operators, are-a Expression. The arithemetic operators use-two Expression objects, so it should be possible to create expression trees like,




#include <gtest/gtest.h>

#include <expression.h>

TEST(interpreter_suite, combined_arith)
    Literal l7(7);
    Literal l3(3);
    Literal l1(1);

    Addition a_7_plus_3(l7, l3);
    Subtraction s_3_minus_1(l3, l1);

    Multiplication total(a_7_plus_3, s_3_minus_1);

    ASSERT_EQ(total.evaluate(), 20);

(7+3)*(3-1) = 20


And Variables?

Variables in programming languages live in a context - usually global or local scope (with their own lookup rules). Assignment to a variable drops a value into that variable’s context/scope.

For example, the following C function carries a local variable, i. Assignment to i write the assigned value into the memory location (the address) of i. The context of i is said to be the stack frame of the function() invocation.

void function()
    int i;
    i = 42;

No Uninitialized Variables!!

Lets say, our variable are always initialized - without ever assigning to them, they have a defined value: 0.

#include <gtest/gtest.h>

#include <expression.h>

TEST(interpreter_suite, variable_not_set)
    Context context;              // <--- e.g. local or global scope (if we had functions)
    Variable v(context, "i");     // <--- v lives in context, under the name "i"
    ASSERT_EQ(v.evaluate(), 0);   // <--- v has never been assigned to -> default value 0

Assigning To Variables

In the C analogy above, assigning to i write the assigned value into the variable’s context/scope. Additionally, we implement C’s “assignment has a value” semantics,

int assignment_value;
int i;

assignment_value = i = 42;

I.e., the assignment i = 42 is an expression whose value is 42.

#include <gtest/gtest.h>

#include <expression.h>

TEST(interpreter_suite, variable_assignment)
    Context context;

    Variable v(context, "i");
    Literal l(42);
    Assignment ass(v, l);               // <--- Assignment object created (but not yet evaluated)

    ASSERT_EQ(ass.evaluate(), 42);      // <--- Assignment evaluation: "i = 42" has value 42 (as in C)
    ASSERT_EQ(context.get("i"), 42);    // <--- variable has made it into context
    ASSERT_EQ(v.evaluate(), 42);        // <--- variable now has a defined value

Using Variables As Expressions

Obviously, in programming languages, variables can be used as expressions themselves.

int i = 42;
int j = i;  // <--- i used as expression whose value is assigned to j
#include <gtest/gtest.h>

#include <expression.h>

TEST(interpreter_suite, variable_used_as_expression)
    Context context;

    Variable v1(context, "i");
    Literal l(42);
    Assignment ass_v1(v1, l);
    ass_v1.evaluate();             // <--- "i = 42" (not consuming assignment as expression)

    Variable v2(context, "j");
    Assignment ass_v2(v2, v1);
    ass_v2.evaluate();             // <--- "i = j"

    ASSERT_EQ(v2.evaluate(), 42);